Dear Editor:
I enjoyed the articles by
Jawwaad Hasan and look forward to reading more from him. Can I get his personal address so I can write him directly?
Maryana Watson,
Oakland, CA.
Dear Editor:
Jawwaad Hasan is a welcome
addition to your newsletter. I really liked his article and thanks to you guys at I STAND for giving voice to talented Black
men like Jawwaad in prisons. We don’t hear enough good stuff that they do. Everybody is redeemable. Hi Jawwaad! I am
a new fan!
Tamera Jackson, Chicago, IL.
Dear Editor:
I am happy to say I received
a complimentary copy of your newsletter from my brother Jaime Harrison who is in prison in Texas. He sent it to me to prove
his point that there are men in prison who are intelligent and thinking positively. Jawwaad Hasan proves his point well. This
article in the September copy I got is very interesting and I even took it to work and shared it with my coworkers. Of course
al the women think Jawwaad is cute, but we like his writing too!
Jessica Harrison, Lynchburg
ED. Note: Feel free to write
Jawwaad Hasan at
Jawwaad M. Hasan H 84717
P. O. Box 4000
Vacaville, CA. 95689
Dear Editor:
The article on “The
National Emotional Literacy Project for Prisoners” (September issue), was interesting and a program that should benefit
all inmates. I also enjoyed the poetry and the two articles on “Boot Camps”.
Keep up the good work.
Antoine Jackson, Corcoran State Prison, California
Dear Editor:
My daughter was recently arrested and my son who is
in prison sent me I STAND Prison Newsletter with the article “What Parents Should Know About the Juvenile Justice System”
This article helped me going through the process with my daughter. She is home now, on probation and seeing a counselor. I also got
her to join an afterschool program because she told me she shoplifted because
she was bored and I wouldn't let her go anywhere. I just don't want to see her in prison like her brother.
Marilyn Daniels, Mt. Vernon,
Dear Editor:
Thanks for letting us have
a voice!
Dejuan Hickson, Imperial, CA.
We thank
you all for your letters. Please continue to write, your input is invaluable! The Editor