Welcome to BWP/WIM Publishing Houses.
First of all, you retain the copyright of your articles. Our contracts have a limited duration,
generally of seven years. Older contracts with different duration clauses can be re-negotiated at all times. Furthermore,
you are always the intellectual owner of the article. No one is allowed to tamper with the text after you have made it final.
Digital printing makes it technically possible to make changes to texts at any time, therefore your contract protects you
against such outside tampering. You are your articles creator, writer, and intellectual owner. That is why it is vital that
you make your final draft indeed final, because even the intellectual owner cannot change the article once it has gone to
print. Then, last but not least, you are entitled to having fun! It is important that you enjoy being a published writer.
To have your article out and have other people read it, is pure joy. It makes you feel proud and fulfilled. Your name and
face are in the online newspaper, seen by people worldwide. We target and promote and market the newspaper to colleges, universities,
junior high and senior high schools as well as to at risk youth programs. People
discuss your work and are impacted by what you wrote: all that is sheer pleasure. So please do enjoy it!
The Publisher