COLUMBUS, OH – Sean Stevenson is saving lives, one life at a time. Having come
out of prison after serving nearly 20 years for drug sales, Stevenson is on a mission to be apart of the solution and not
the problem. Gang violence in America is at an all time high. Over the past two years, Stevenson has been speaking to youth,
motivating them to lead positive lives, finish school and apply themselves to having a life empowered by great self esteem
and goals achieved through hard work not a life of crime.
Working with Ms. Georgette Dilworth of I RISE organization, Stevenson is putting together
a symposium to train community and civic leaders and workers in understanding and working effectively with at risk youth involved
in gangs and criminal activities. Additionally Stevenson and his team are developing standards and curriculum workbooks for
gang members and former gang members who will become participants of the END THE VIOLENCE 4 EVER Program Stevenson heads.
''It has to start with those of us who really know what why when and how of gang activity.
You have to replace what is missing in these kids lives with something they can hold onto and it has to be something positive.
If it doesn’t help them come up from the bottom of their lives, they won’t listen, and they won’t stay involved”.
More than a conversation or speaking presentation, Stevenson has a well-rounded program
being put into motion that encompasses the whole person, covering the 6 levels of wellness from their intellectual, emotional,
spiritual, physical, environmental and social beings. While most Advocates or gang interventionists have little to no formal
training in crisis-management and legal boundaries, Stevenson has put together a team of professionals who with their training
and expertise are helping him, while working under his guidance. Utilizing Stevenson’s ideas and visions the team has
developed a program that is adaptable and method geared. With Case Management and Monitoring Tools, END THE VIOLENCE 4 EVER
will train workers as well as youth and adults, former and current gang members.
“This is a precedent setting program, and one that could be called a pilot program
as with its success it will be able to franchise the program throughout the United States.” Georgette Dilworth Rhodes
of I RISE organization is head of her networking concern and after meeting Sean Stevenson assisted him with networking services
that provided his organization the assistance needed from WIM Media for publicity and Hot Springs Rural Network, a 501 c3
corporation that is offering an umbrella for Sean’s program. The program will start in the next few months, in the meantime
Sean Stevenson who recently spoke up about dyslexia and its effects on youth at the Ohio State House of Representatives continues
to be a lecturer and motivational speaker.
For further information or to contact Mr. Stevenson go to