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Dear Editor:

I enjoyed the articles by Jawwaad Hasan and look forward to reading more from him. Can I get his personal address so I can write him directly?

Maryana Watson,

Oakland, CA.



Dear Editor:

Jawwaad Hasan is a welcome addition to your newsletter. I really liked his article and thanks to you guys at I STAND for giving voice to talented Black men like Jawwaad in prisons. We don’t hear enough good stuff that they do. Everybody is redeemable. Hi Jawwaad! I am a new fan!

Tamera Jackson, Chicago, IL.


Dear Editor:

I am happy to say I received a complimentary copy of your newsletter from my brother Jaime Harrison who is in prison in Texas. He sent it to me to prove his point that there are men in prison who are intelligent and thinking positively. Jawwaad Hasan proves his point well. This article in the September copy I got is very interesting and I even took it to work and shared it with my coworkers. Of course al the women think Jawwaad is cute, but we like his writing too!

Jessica Harrison, Lynchburg MS.


ED. Note: Feel free to write Jawwaad Hasan at

Jawwaad M. Hasan H 84717

P. O. Box 4000

Vacaville, CA. 95689


Dear Editor:

The article on “The National Emotional Literacy Project for Prisoners” (September issue), was interesting and a program that should benefit all inmates. I also enjoyed the poetry and the two articles on “Boot Camps”.  Keep up the good work.

Antoine Jackson, Corcoran State  Prison, California


Dear Editor:

My daughter was recently arrested and my son who is in prison sent me I STAND Prison Newsletter with the article “What Parents Should Know About the Juvenile Justice System” This article helped me going through the process with my daughter. She is home now, on probation and seeing a counselor.  I also got her to join an afterschool program because  she told me she shoplifted because she was bored and I wouldn't let her go anywhere. I just don't want to see her in prison like her brother.

Marilyn Daniels, Mt. Vernon, N.Y.


Dear Editor:

Thanks for letting us have a voice!

Dejuan Hickson,  Imperial, CA.


We thank you all for your letters. Please continue to write, your input is invaluable! The Editor

October 2011





Dear Editor:

I am hoping someone would write to my brother, he is incarcerated and
in need of friendship from both male and female, please feel free to
write, he only wants to make friends and to be encouraged.

Mr. Gino Porter  #439655
Rt. 2 Box 4400  A.H.
Gatesville, Texas 76597

He is a black male, bald 6'1 180lbs

To: Black World Publishing


I just visited your web site and was looking over some of the pages.
We are a prison ministry that was begun at the request of an inmate,
"son" Christopher Dunn.

I wanted to find an address of the main person who is doing the
"I Stand" but didn't see it. So I will give you Christopher's address
hope someone will write and also send him a copy of the newsletter to

Christopher Dunn  181654
JCCC, PO Box 900
Jefferson City, MO  65102

God bless,
Beth Michael

(note: At this time we do not wish to be promoted on the inside as we
already get twice as many inmates as people to write to them)

Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which
adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.  Hebrews 13:3

Dear Editor of Black World Publishing:

I have added links to your site on two
                                    of my sites.
                                    The Injustice System General Links page 
                                    Home page http://theinjusticesystem.com
                                    The Castle of Hope for Lost Souls African American Page
                                    Home page http://castleofhopeforlostsouls.org
                                    Please add links to my two home pages.
                                    Lee/Lee W. Gaylord/Eazy Lee/The Crazy Old White Man
                                    http://castleofhope.bluemoondomain.com/allsitesmap.html is the site map
                                    Castle of Hope for Lost Souls Group of sites  with links to the other
                                    sites that are her
                                    children.  The Injustice System, Castle of Hope, LASTCHANCE, Stairway 
                                    Outreach and The Crazy Old White Man From The Hood.


From: CuteNsexy@aol.com

Sat, 2 Nov 2002 12:23:09 EDT Subject: TakumaTo: blackworldpub@yahoo.com

Are you for real? Do you really look like that close up? Are you married and do you have a family and what is it you look for in a woman? I am single, Puerto Rican and live in New Jersey.hit me back!


From: whytegurlblkheart@blackplanet.com Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 12:10:22 EDT Subject: FOR TAKUMATo: blackworldpub@yahoo.com

Im trying to contact you again, because I feel that it is important that you get to know me as an individual and not look at me as only a white woman. I know you may consider yourself a revolutionary. But I think that if you got to know me as a person and allow me to show you that there are some white people who are genuine then you would change your views. Just give it a chance.

Older Posts

Dear Editor:

Saw the paper on line and then at a Barbershop in San Diego. Please let me know if I can subscribe!

Nancy Booker, Chula Vista, Ca.

Dear Editor:

Oh what a wonderful publication is I STAND!! My son is in prison in Illinois and I sent him the paper and he wrote me back saying that I should read it every chance I get. Good luck from a caring mother in Los Angeles.

Brenda Mitchell, L.A.From: jazzyjetqueen@blackplanet.com Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 09:19:22 EDT Subject: TakumaTo: blackworldpub@yahoo.com

Another email to let you know how much I love the I Stand and would love to get to know you. If you married or something I know you have friends that are like you so I can meet them if you are not single. I know you probably getting a lot of emails now from the cover story on the site. But I am willing to show you I am something more special.



Dear Editor:

I have been a loyal reader of your paper since 1999. I live in New York and was amazed to discover the paper I thought long dead was not only alive but ONLINE!

Its been 2 long years since I heard a word out of you brothas. So instead of asking a lot of what happened questions I just want to know is this the new concept for the paper from now on and will it only be online?

Congratulations on a great comeback!

MBuku Shabazz

Queens, New York

From: 1Latindiva @migente.com

Sat, 23 Nov 2002 12:03:16 EDT Subject: TakumaTo: blackworldpub@yahoo.com

I am not a prison groupie but the fact is that most good brothas are imprisoned. On the outside I know brothas that are married or gay or playas and I have had several penships over the years with men in prisons. They usually just want a solid friendship and consistency in letters. Sometimes a card or a book helps. There are users too, but a smart woman can see through the bull... I enjoyed the readings and art on the BWP Internet site, and look forward to reading more on a monthly basis. I am 32, Latin Black (Puerto Rican and African parents) I am 165 lbs and 59 honey brown with natural long wavy hair. I like to read and work out doing Boxing at my neighborhood gym. I work as a computer operator and live alone with my cat Dusty! Write whenever you can and I will reply! Looking forward to a new friend?